If your child is sick or your family is traveling or unable to participate in person on Sunday mornings, we've got you covered!

You can access the weekly devotionals for the entire month below!
Click here for Lower KidsZone and KidsZone Launch's Bible Story Videos!
Click here for Upper KidZone's Bible Story Videos!
Pro Tips:
1) Set up a separate device so you kids can have their own church experience at the same time you participate in our online service.
2) Participate in our online Kids Zone option together as a family.

April 6th

Lower KidsZone

Upper KidsZone

April 13th

Lower KidsZone

Upper KidsZone

April 20th

Lower KidsZone

Upper KidsZone

April 27th

Lower KidsZone

Upper KidsZone

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am  & 10:30 am

Birth-5th Grade

New to Ventura Missionary?  Just check in at the kiosks in our main church lobby and we'll help you find your child's KidsZone location. 

Other Opportunities

Throughout the year, we host fantastic events for kids and families including Vacation Bible School, Family Nights, and Parent Labs on relevant topics. Stay up-to-date on what's coming up by subscribing to our weekly enewsletter below.

Subscribe to our weekly KidsZone email.

Have questions? We're here to help!