Child Dedications

Committing to Raise Your Child to Follow Jesus

So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life, he will be given over to the LORD...   1 Samuel 1:28

What is Child Dedication?

Child dedication is a beautiful practice at which parents or guardians publicly commit before God and their church family to raise their child(ren) to follow Jesus. This means that they recognize that their child(ren) are a gift from God, and are entrusted to them by  God. It means that they will model personal faith, lead a home that honors God, and provide an environment that shares the love of Jesus regularly,  introduces the gift of salvation and nurtures the growth of their child(ren) who accept that gift.

At the dedication, the church family in turn makes a commitment to partner with the parents/guardians to share the transforming love of Jesus with their child(ren) through prayer, volunteering, mentoring, and other ways that will contribute to their child(ren)'s faith journey.

Dedication vs. Baptism

Child dedication is a commitment made by parents or guardians to point  them to Jesus. Baptism is for those who have made their own decision to follow Jesus.  

At Ventura Missionary, we offer child dedication to parents or guardians who are believers in Christ and are committed to raise their children to know and follow Him.

We offer baptism to children who are old enough to understand the gospel and have decided in their own hearts to accept the gift of salvation through Christ and to follow Him for the rest of their lives. Scripture provides evidence that Baptism follows an individual’s decision to trust Christ alone for salvation (Acts 2:41, 8:12, and 10:47–48); it is not something we can do for someone else. 

Our Next Child Dedication:

May 25

in our 9:00 & 10:30 Services

If you would like to dedicate your child, sign up below and plan to participate in the
Child Dedication Class on Sunday, May 18, at noon, in the Family Room.