What is Baptism and Why Should I Get Baptized?
Baptism represents a number of significant realities: Christ's death and resurrection; your union with Christ in His death and resurrection; your new life in Christ; and cleansing and washing away of your sin.
There are many reasons to get baptized: to obey the command of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20); to declare that you are a follower of Jesus (Acts 2:37-41); and to follow the example of Christ (Matthew 3:13-17).
Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but it is a beautiful act of obedience, and a public declaration of faith.
There are many reasons to get baptized: to obey the command of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20); to declare that you are a follower of Jesus (Acts 2:37-41); and to follow the example of Christ (Matthew 3:13-17).
Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but it is a beautiful act of obedience, and a public declaration of faith.

Who Should Get Baptized?
Anyone who trusts Jesus as their Savior should get baptized. We practice believer's baptism, which means we baptize those who believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
We only need to be baptized once. If you have been sprinkled or immersed at an earlier age and you trusted Jesus at that time, your baptism is valid and need not be repeated.
If, however, you experienced sprinkling with or immersion in water before being born again and trusting Christ, your experience was not baptism, and you should be baptized.
We only need to be baptized once. If you have been sprinkled or immersed at an earlier age and you trusted Jesus at that time, your baptism is valid and need not be repeated.
If, however, you experienced sprinkling with or immersion in water before being born again and trusting Christ, your experience was not baptism, and you should be baptized.

In-Service Baptism
9:00 & 10:30 am
Next Baptism: June 29
If you would like to be baptized at our next In-Service Baptism, please sign up below and plan to participate in the Baptism Class on Thursday, June 26, at 5:30 pm.